The hoar frost this morning was unexpected and very beautiful here in Woodbury. Sorry for the departure in content, but sometimes us creative types get a little distracted. So, I’m going to chalk this morning up to totally worth it even though I fell completely off the wagon with my to-do’s for the morning.

Spring Photographer Woodbury | Focus Photography by Susan

I’m pretty sure that at least one of my neighbors drove by me this morning, shaking their head as I jumped out of the car and ran across the street to take pictures after dropping the kids off at school. I’m also sure that those who specialize in landscape photography could have captured it better, but I surely did have a ball and there is a happier spring in my step this morning.

Pop Art Spring Woodbury MN | Contact Susan Jamison

Pop Art Spring Frost Photography Woodbury MN | Contact Susan Jamison

Spring Photographer Woodbury | Focus Photography by Susan

Pop Art Spring Photography Woodbury MN | Contact Susan Jamison

Spring Photographer Woodbury | Focus Photography by Susan

Enjoy the day, friends!

~ S


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